Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Shameless Commerce

One of the blogs I subscribe to was holding a promotion (though it is not really that kinda blog) ...and I would recommend them even if posting these blog links didn't increase my chances of winning.

22 Words is just that, a 22 word post...usually random, usually thoughtful.. he calls it "experiments in getting to the point." 

Well, I need more than an experiment, I need therapy. A recent post provoked me to embark on a similar writing exercise (therapy) I am calling 41 words. Shameless rip-off hun? 

Last but not least, it is also the source of a funny post on worship music How's that for bait?


Danny and Liese said...

You did it. You sold out.

The title of this post should be "how Abraham Piper became The Man and I sold out to him".

Just kidding, I like the concept of 22 words. Why did you choose 41?

I've been enjoying your blog and looking forward to more 41 words.


Ethan Larson said...

It's 41 because I am 41, and I couldn't do less... like I said, I need therapy. Yea, Abraham started me down a bad path with his lure of a nice ESV bible...I've gone down hill ever since. It also provided a convenient excuse to mention blog I like.